Toxins, Viruses, And Our Health

Posted by Team C60BreathEZR on 26th Aug 2021

Toxins, Viruses, And Our Health

Leading nutritionist, award-winning author, & radio show host, Nancy Addison talks with Dr. Joe Nieusma PhD, CEO/Chief Toxicologist of Superior Toxicology & Wellness and Co-Founder of TwinOxide North America. Dr. Nieusma created the HOPE program that provides a scientific approach for helping people get off prescription medications. Dr. Nieusma shares his brilliant research on vaccines, viruses, toxins, lifestyle, wellness, and nutrition. Dr. Nieusma's website:

Dr. Joe shares how important C60BreathEZR is to keeping our lungs vibrant and clear, as well as the benefits of Carbon 60 oxygenating the brain.