Secrets Revealed as Government Collapse / Restructuring Takes Place w/Clif High - Pt. 3
15th Jan 2020
When Clif High talks, people listen.
"Secrets Revealed as Government Collapse / Restructuring Takes Place w/Clif High - Pt. 3".
Sarah Westall interviewed Clif in August of 2017. Clif revealed his favorite SECRET to feeling great: Carbon 60. Within an hour of the interview, the Carbon 60 website he mentioned SOLD OUT!
Clif High is a world-renowned computer scientist and linguistic who has been credited as the founder of the Predictive Linguistics field, a powerful process that analyzes vast amount of internet data to predict future language about future events, due to the nature of humans. He owns and operates
Fast-forward to the 4:50 minute mark and enjoy what Clif has to say about the research, science, and the benefits of C60.